About Us

The Ohio Association of School Nurses (OASN) is the professional association for nurses working in schools and school health services. OASN’s purpose is as multifaceted and dynamic as issues of health and wellness in Ohio’s school aged children and their school communities.

Members are from all over Ohio and work in large and small school districts, rural and urban school districts and may provide nursing services to a single school building or multiple school buildings within a school district. Members work in public, charter, and private/parochial schools. Some members are instructors, professors and/or coordinators of school nurse licensure programs at ODE approved colleges and universities throughout the State. Many of our members are supervisors or administrators of school nursing or school health services in their district.

Mission: The Ohio Association of School Nurses promotes optimal wellness among Ohio's school children and their communities by supporting their educational success & providing leadership, education & support for the practice of school nursing.

The unique opportunities, experiences, and concerns of each member are important to the overall growth and knowledge of all of our members. Our annual conference and membership dues are our main sources of revenue that support the work of our Board as we partner with other organizations or advocate and lobby for legislative efforts concerning school health issues in Ohio. Therefore, we encourage membership and leadership involvement at every level so we can continue to be a strong presence, Caring for Ohio’s Children.