
Ohio Association of School Nurses is approved as a provider of continuing nursing education by Ohio Nurses Association (OBN-001-91)

New Information about Nursing Continuing Professional Development

The current provider number held with the Ohio Nurses Association will expire 12/1/2024. At the annual board meeting in April, the Board decided not to renew our application as a provider. We can continue to work with Nurse planners to develop programs that will be delivered before 12/1/2024.

As organizational changes move forward this year there continue to be several options for securing Continuing education that meets your needs for either National Certification or Ohio License.

First, for Ohio License -Individual Applications for Contact hours can be submitted by the organization or individuals for approval.  This link can be used to get information and the cost of doing that.    The main difference in the procedures you followed by using our provider number are the cost directly paid to ONA and the need to have documents submitted 6 weeks ahead of the program to be sure contact hours can be awarded for the program. Please contact the Executive Director for assistance and guidance.

The ONA website also offers numerous programs for nurses, not necessarily school nurse specific but otherwise can be purchased for a small fee as individuals if you are not an ONA member.

Second, National School Nurse Certification -These Nursing Continuing Professional Development hours need to be approved by someone who holds ANCC authority to approve programs. Individuals and organizations can submit applications as well. The process is basically the same but may vary depending on the organization chosen for approval. ANA-OHIO has not yet received status as an approver, however the programs they offer on line with a modest fee for non-members are approved for ANCC hours. 

The Ohio Department of Health also provides ANCC approved programs but uses Pennsylvania to approve the programs. Many of these can be accessed on the ODH School Nurse website. 

OASN will be providing ANCC approved credits at our Annual Conference as well. The Board is working to consider options for providing additional programing throughout the state in the future.

NASN also offers many programs on line for members and non- members. There are some programs that can also be offered for groups. Contact NASN through the learning center.

Please contact the Executive Director with questions, support or assistance.