Attendee Information

"It's a Great Day to Be a School Nurse: Raise Your Voice and Find Your Joy"

Join us for an exciting conference that promises to ignite your passion, connect you with fellow professionals, and elevate your practice. This two-day celebration recognizes the hard work and dedication you bring to ensuring the health and well-being of our students.

We're excited to bring you this engaging and rejuvenating experience!

Conference Highlights

• Interactive workshops and inspiring keynote speakers

• Over 13 hours of Professional Development to meet your learning needs

• Skills lab to refresh or learn new skills

• "Escape from the Clinic" challenge

• Advocacy skills training to address health issues affecting students and communities

• Wellness strategies and self-care sessions, including alternative therapy and massages

• Exhibit hall featuring relevant products and services (Friday only)

• Special for you: Saturday only, Wellness activities, retail vendors, spa services and more


To reserve your spot, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Attendee Registration on Whova.

2. Choose your ticket.

3. Choose payment option: Preferred payment is by Credit Card.

If applicable, follow instructions for the invoice option. This is used for PO#

If choosing the invoice option, return payment to OASN per instructions. Contact

6. Receive confirmation to open app. NOTE: Access to the app is provided after payment is received.

Special Events

Annual Magical Endowment Raffle

Members from across the state, have been collecting items all year to create a room full of items offered in a Chinese Auction, putting as many tickets as you want to win an item. There will be 5 large baskets, each contributed by a region and numerous items donated by members. 

Ticket prices: 1 ticket for $1.00, 6 tickets for $5.00 13 tickets for $10.00(Cash only) 50/50 raffle 

There will be two raffles, one on Friday and one on Saturday, that will run throughout the day. Winners will be drawn at the end of each conference day. Winnings will be distributed at the time of the drawing. 

Ticket prices: 1 ticket for $1.00, 6 tickets for $5.00, 13 tickets for $10.00(Cash only) Bring a small address label to fill out your tickets.

 50/50 raffle 

There will be two raffles, one on Friday and one on Saturday, that will run throughout the day. Winners will be drawn at the end of each conference day. Winnings will be distributed at the time of the drawing. You must be present to win.

Ticket prices: 1 ticket for $1.00, 6 tickets for $5.00, 13 tickets for $10.00(Cash only) Bring a small address label to help fill out your tickets.

Lucky Coin Grab

Purchase a gold coin for $10.00(Cash only) and pick a numbered megaphone, then choose a gift that matches the number on the megaphone. Secret Prizes!!!! For everyone. Grand prize $100.00!!

Quick Links

Helpful Information


Marriott Columbus Northwest
5605 Blazer Parkway Dublin Ohio 43017

Book your group rate for OASN Annual Conference.

Whova Conference App

Once payment is received, you'll gain access to our interactive conference app, featuring:

• Speaker profiles and programming;

• Exhibitor listings;

• Networking opportunities; 

• Interactive sessions and more!

Download the Whova Conference App Today!

Payment Information

Attendees are encouraged to pay online with a credit card.

NOTE: If you are paying by PO, select the invoice option and follow the instructions. Access to the app will be given after payment is received.


No refunds will be provided for a cancellation after March 3, 2025. Cancellations received prior to this date are subject to a $25.00 fee.

All funds raised with special events will generate revenue for our General Endowment fund.