Plans to start an organization of Ohio school nurses called The Ohio Association of School Nurses (OASN) started in December 1972 by the School Nurse Steering Committee. Peg Ruffner served as Acting Chairperson and swiftly took charge appointing committees and delegating assignments.
By January 1973 the constitution was drafted, the dues structure formulated, and plans laid for the first state-wide meeting. Thanks to the hard work and perseverance of these dedicated professionals, The Ohio Association of School Nurses became a reality.
In January 1973, OASN's new constitution was adopted. Later, in that same year, Amended House Bill 341 was passed which required school nurses to be certified by the Ohio Department of Education (ODE). This action placed school nurses on a par with other certified education professionals.
OASN established affiliate status with the Ohio Education Association (OEA) in 1973 and continues to work together with OEA supporting the educational success of Ohio's school children.
The Ohio Association of School Nurses joined the Department of School Nurses (DSN) of the National Education Association (NEA) in 1973 as well. In 1978 the DSN separated from the NEA and became an independent association, the National Association of School Nurses (NASN). Peg Ruffner served as both Executive Director of NASN as well as President in its early days. OASN remains proudly affiliated with the National Association of School Nurses.
1974-1975: Peg Rufner, Southwest -- Also served as NASN President 1979-1980
1975-1976: Eliza Busenburg, Central
1976-1977: Mildred Schwing, Southwest
1977-1978: Ginny Leiter, Central
1978-1980: Roberta Maloney, Southwest
1980-1981: Pat Baum, Central -- Also served as NASN President 1993-1994
1981-1982: Norma Miller, Northwest
1982-1983: Lucy Price, Southeast
1983-1984: JoAnn Fletcher-Rookard, Southwest
1984-1985: Miriam Alexander, Northeast
1985-1986: Christy Coupland, Central
1986-1987: Gretchen Rice, Central
1987-1988: Dian Partlow, Southeast
1988-1989: Dee Phinney, Central
1989-1990: Bev Klitz, Southwest
1990-1991: Judy Davis, Northwest
1991-1992: Betty Holton, Southwest
1992-1993: Renee Besecker, Southwest
1993-1994: Martha Carrick, Southwest
1994: Eloise Mason, Northeast
1994-1996: Margaret Bodie, Northwest
1996-1997: Diana Tirpak, Northeast
1997-1998: Sherry Bjerke, Central
1998-1999: Norma Nikkola, Southwest
1999-2000: Kathy O'Dell, Southwest
2000-2001: Heidi Steiner, Northeast
2001-2003: Mary Kiplinger, Northwest
2003-2004: Linda Hilvert, Southwest
2004-2005: Gabi Karpowicz, Central
2005-2006: Gail Pohlman, Southeast
2006-2008: Kathy Inderbitzen, Northwest
2008-2010: Deb Strouse, Central
2010-2012: Eva Garchar, Southwest
2012-2014: Kate King, Central--Also serving as NASN President 2023-25
2014-2016: Kim Stanislo, NortheastÂ
2016-2018: Debra Stoner, Central
2018-2020: Joan Hlinomaz, Southwest
2020-2022: Kelly Wagner, Central
2022-2023: Heidi Shaw, Southeast
2023-2026: Pam Buehler, Southwest