Another year in the books! "Great Educational Programming!" Wonderful Venue!! Great Food! and Helpful Partners!!
These are just a few of the comments participants contributed as they evaluated the conference held at Sawmill Creek Hotel & Conference Center April 19-21.
A special thank you to our planning Committee: Chairperson, VP Shiloh Cahill, (NWOASN), Laurie Gladieux and Colleen Ryan
OASN provided 14 hours and 45 minutes of CNE for attendees that participated in the whole conference. Evaluations are being reviewed to make plans for future programming. Look for a survey to go out to as many nurses as we can contact in an effort for the new board to get feedback for future planning. The Board is determined to continue to keep our future bright creative new programming.
For those that attended, presentations are still accessible by going to the confirmed registration link and look for meeting presentations in the black tab.
Other resources are available on the website: Every Student Counts, Oral Health Ohio Strategic Plan, and Summer Camp opportunities for Students and Nurses.
We will also be adding some web links for some of our prominent partners.