Contact SEOASN
Board Members
President: Heather Lambert heather.lambert@tigertown.com
Vice President: MaryBethGoodson mgoodson@southpoint.k12.oh.us
Treasurer: Marsha Wagner: marsha.wagner@tigertown.com
Secretary: Amber Tucker: atucker@southpoint.k12.oh.us
OASN Representative: Angie Lewis: alewis@rockhill.org
The annual Spring meeting will be held May 13, 2023, at 1:00 pm. It will be at Merry Family Winery in Galia County. The address is 2376 State Route 850 Bidwell, Ohio 45614.
Meeting Documents
Counties in this region
Athens | Belmont | Gallia | Guernsey | Hocking | Jackson | Lawrence | Meigs | Monroe | Morgan | Noble | Perry | Pike | Scioto | Vinton | Washington